Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 90 - Ok, this day of hitchhiking probably was dangerous.

Not because of the people, though. Because I did most of my traveling in the bed of a pickup trip on the freeway.

First ride was in a pickup, going about 15 miles. Couldn't say much about that ride, since we didn't have the chance to talk.

The second ride was short, but with a cool guy. He's from New York, and recently moved down to the area. A former hitchhiker, and happy to help others out.

The third ride came from a father taking his 20ish yr old son to a medical appointment. I learned something new on that trip: epilepsy is a disease that the Make-a-Wish foundation works with.

Fourth ride was the longest, and spent in the bed of a pickup truck because (like the other) a couple was occupying the front seat. Can't say anything else about them.

Fifth ride was by far the most awesome. My ride was only going to the next exit, but took me well outside of town to the next truck stop anyways. Wanderlust is a condition he's quite familiar with, starting with when he was close to my age and began hitching around the country, then boat-hitching across the ocean and moving throughout Europe, returning to the US and working as a truck driver, and generally traveling wherever and whenever he wants to. Gave me some good tips on hitching in this area, too. Though the general conclusion is that the south is not very hitchhiker friendly :/

In a nowhere spot near a truckstop, so time to camp!

Trip Stats:
Distance Traveled: 158 miles
Total Time: 7 hours
Google Estimated: 2:35 hrs
# of Rides: 5
Total Cost: $16.50

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