Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 89 - Seeing Value

You know those moments when you look back on something and realize, 'that was worth it'? Today has been one of those days.

I served a two year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I was assigned to work in the Florida Orlando Mission, Spanish speaking. My purpose was to go out and find people with whom I could share the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to help them apply it in their lives to the greatest extent possible. Missionaries are frequently moved around and assigned to different congregations, and the importance of the work means that once you leave an area you completely change your focus to your new location, and leave the spiritual welfare of those with whom  you worked to the missionaries who take your place. You may the beginning of someone's story, but rarely could you see where it led them. Coming back to Orlando nearly 5 years after I left it, I've seen some of the longer term stories.

I spent the better part of the day with a family that I was honored to help introduce to the gospel. They were not in the best place when I first met them: health, faith, work, personal, and family relationships in problematic states. Now, years later, everything has changed. In every category. And it's easy to see the role that the gospel has played in that. That I was allowed to play even a small part in the beginning of their journey is something that I am very grateful for.

Seeing this was the best part of my day, but not the only bit of awesomeness. A person I'd worked with at the beginning of 2005 will be baptized in two weeks. People I haven't seen in years recognized me and welcomed me back to the ward with open arms. A couple that I introduced to each other while serving now have two kids, an education, and have just bought a house. I learned how to make pupusas.

Today has been awesome.

Trip Stats:
Total Distance: 0 miles
Total Time: 0 hrs
Google Estimated: 0 hours
# of Rides: 0
Total Cost: $0.00

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