It was nice to be riding in a car that I was able to control. I do enjoy driving from time to time, and this stretch of Canada was a great break from my current routine. But I've gotta say, it feels great to be back on the road again, doing things the thumbing way.
I should let you know something, too: I've gotten rather behind on these. The next 25 days worth of posts are being written well after the fact, and so I'm not putting too much thought into them. I apologize for that. Hopefully I'll do better in the coming weeks.

But back onto the people I met. I'll be brief, though. I got a ride from a soldier first. Quite a cool guy, he'd also done a turn or two up in Alaska. Funny the connections you make. The next ride I had also gave me my first chance to experience car trouble: We made it halfway to Missoula, then the car overheated. We pulled over, and found that the coolant tank was completely empty, and that AAA didn't have anyone that could deal with it till Monday. That ended that ride. I went off to the road, and they headed to a hotel. It's rather sad...they were headed out to South Dakota to Jewel Cave, for a quick vacation. This is a reason why I like hitchhiking: no worries about maintenance.

My final ride was from an awesome couple in a travel van. I sat in the back seat/couch, plugged in my phone to the outlet, and just had a great time. These things sound awesome! Perfect for two people to travel around in, as you can use it to cook, clean, closet, and crash...in comfort.
It was nice to hit Missoula, though. Especially after I sat in McDonalds and found a CSer to stay with!
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